Therapeutic surgeries

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Heart surgeries

Heart surgery is a treatment method that is performed to solve heart problems such as coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects, heart valves and arrhythmia. In this surgery, the surgeon opens the chest and accesses the heart. To perform this surgery, a cardiopulmonary bypass machine may be used, which stops the heart and circulates blood instead. Or use minimally invasive methods such as open heart surgery without a pump, which keeps the heart in working condition. Open heart surgery can improve the life and quality of life of patients.

Kidney and urinary tract

Kidney and urinary tract surgery is a branch of medicine that focuses on diseases and disorders of the urinary and reproductive systems of men and women. These surgeries can be performed to treat kidney stones, kidney tumors, urinary tract infections, infertility, ureteral obstruction, and other problems. These surgeries are usually performed using minimally invasive methods that reduce pain, bleeding, and hospital time.

Stomach sleeve

Gastric sleeve is a weight loss surgery in which part of the stomach is removed and the stomach is shaped like a narrow tube. This action makes the person eat less and feel full sooner. Gastric sleeve can help treat obesity and related diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. This operation is performed laparoscopically and its duration is about one hour.