Beauty services

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Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a method that uses light rays to destroy hair follicles and prevent hair regrowth. This method is suitable for people who want to get rid of their unwanted hair forever.

Lip and face Filler

Lip and face Filler is a beauty method that improves the volume and shape of the lips and face by injecting substances such as hyaluronic acid. This method can reduce wrinkles, perform a cheek and chin lift, and give the face a more youthful appearance.

Lift with thread

Thread lift is a minimally invasive method that tightens and lifts the skin by injecting barbed threads under the skin. This method can reduce sagging and wrinkles on the face and give a younger appearance to the face.


Botox is a type of poison that paralyzes muscles and reduces wrinkles by injecting under the skin. Botox can also control excessive underarm sweating and prevent bad sweat odor. Botox is a minimally invasive and fast treatment that is performed in a few minutes and its results last for several months


PRP or platelet-rich plasma is a type of blood that has more platelets than normal. Platelets are cells that help blood clot and repair tissues. PRP is used for skin rejuvenation, hair loss treatment, joint pain relief and sports injuries. This method is performed by taking blood from the patient and injecting it into the desired area.


Microneedling is a beauty procedure that stimulates the skin to produce more collagen and elastin using tiny, sterile needles. This method can treat wrinkles, scars and pimples, stretch marks and hair loss. Microneedling is minimally invasive and its results last for several months

Hair Mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy is a treatment method for hair loss in women and men. In this method, nutrients such as vitamins, plant extracts, proteins and amino acids are injected into the scalp. This method stimulates hair growth and reduces hair loss. Hair mesotherapy has benefits such as increasing blood supply to hair roots, strengthening hair, preventing hormonal destruction and increasing self-confidence.