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Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a treatment method in which living or infected tissue inside the tooth is removed, the root canal is cleaned and disinfected and filled with special materials. This treatment can protect the tooth from further destruction and infection and reduce pain and inflammation. This treatment is usually performed in several sessions using local anesthesia

Dental implant

A dental implant is a treatment method in which a metal piece is placed in the jawbone as a tooth root and a crown or artificial tooth cover is installed on it. This method can replace missing teeth with high similarity to natural teeth. Dental implants have advantages such as preserving the jaw bone, not damaging the adjacent teeth, increasing self-confidence and facial beauty.

Dental ceramic lamination

Dental lamination is a cosmetic procedure in which a thin shell of ceramic or composite is glued to the front surface of the teeth. This method can improve the color, shape, size and length of the teeth and create a more beautiful smile. Dental lamination has advantages such as stain resistance, maintaining tooth enamel, increasing self-confidence and facial beauty.

Dental composite

Dental composite is a method of tooth restoration and beauty in which a tooth-colored paste material is formed on the teeth. This method can fix broken, decayed, crooked and spaced teeth and create a more beautiful smile. This method uses different materials such as hybrid composites, microfield and nanofield, each of which has its own characteristics and applications.